I woke up this morning and my head buzzed. My muscles told me to go back to sleep. Yes, today is the day after St. Patrick's Day. (Dancing, not drinking, people. You must know this about me.) I usually post a whole big exciting thing for St. Patrick's Day but this year I was too busy to do even that.
But I'm here now and I'm catching up with our prizes. First, to announce the winners so far this week....
Lindsaywrites wins the book of her favorite genre.
Aik Chien takes home The Mark by Marilyn Bunderson.
Congratulations. And, I'm going to keep choosing winners from those who are participating, so keep watching.
So how was your St. Patrick's Day? I know the day is so different for civilians. As a family of dancers, we packed in the car at 8:00 AM, me and four of my children, and set off for a day of adventure. Our first show was at an elementary school at 9:00 AM. We didn't stop dancing and driving until 4:00. Seven shows in seven hours.
And since I'm the mom, I can say that my six-year-old twins were adorable even though they couldn't really dance, and my two older boys were straight up fabulous. Everyone on the team worked together to make it happen. By the end of the day the girls were itching for an excuse to pinch the boys and my tiniest son announced, "Finally we get to go home."
Corned beef, Irish potatoes, cabbage and the world's best soda bread waited for us and nothing in the universe could have been better than that. Aaaahhh.
Then a little more dancing and a lot of hot chocolate later, the day finally ended. I'm tip-toeing around the fact that Saturday we're dancing from 10-4. Barnes & Noble at 2:00 for any locals wanting to see some action.
And then we're done with the St. Paddy's performances.
Thanks to Christy for posting a surprise author interview today!
Check it out.
And for another chance to win, go over to
Rachelle Christensen's blog . She was nice enough to make me look good- you're gonna lover her.
To win, e-mail me at laurabinghambooks@gmail.com the answer to the following questions....
*Name one book that Rachelle wrote.
*How many of her short stories were published by Story Time Felts? (hint... it's in the About Me section)
*And, tell me your favorite YA genre so I can pick something nice out for you.
Okay, winner announced on Monday, March 21.