Friday, February 17, 2012

Readers' Choice 2011 Book Best Cover

as voted by LDS Publisher blog readers
A big thanks to everyone who voted for my WINGS OF LIGHT cover! I can't tell you how surprised I was to win the genre vote... but now the overalls for 2011. Sweet.

Naturally, I owe my real thanks to the talented Cover Designer: Megan Whittier.

An interesting twist of fate here that most people don't know... Megan is the sister-in-law to one of my cloggers. Before Tonya adopted a gorgeous little girl, she danced at my studio. She was the one to tell me that her sister-in-law was working on my cover art for my next book to be released.

It was pretty cool knowing a connection to the one who created the face for my book.

People do judge a book by its cover. I hope you take the time to find out whether the inner beauty of this book matches the delicious outer.

Thanks again to all of you. It's like a hug and a handshake from hundreds of people. Thanks for taking the time to share that.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It's a beautiful cover and an excellent book!

Laura said...

Thanks L.T.!

Our Family said...

Woo hoo!!! Congratulations!!