Friday, November 2, 2012

Epic Tales of a Misfit Hero by Matt Peterson

It's here!  The dream book for every 9-12 year old kid.  Seriously.  Matt Peterson speaks boy-tweenism.  He understands the deranged quirky and sometimes articulate sense of humor that so many tween boys have such a firm grasp of.

What can I say?  It was so funny I was pulled in.  

Now I wonder what that says about me.


I give up.  This book takes you there, to those years when life was on big brand new and sometimes smelly soggy and annoying adventure.  And I'm totally recommending this one to my own 11 year old who will undoubtedly get the story even better than I did.

I can hear the instant-replays already.

Classic moments from the cusp of young-menhood.  Aaah.. And to think we're solidly headed that way at my house with my soon-to-be 12 year-old.

Get this for your kids.  Then sneak it away and read it because it WILL make you laugh.

Laughing is good.  Just hope none of it strikes you too solidly as exactly your own experiences growing up or I already feel sorry for you.

Do you have a sense of humor?

Long Time, No See

Whew, it's been ... like forever since I came here.  I have some exciting book reviews coming up in the very near future.  I can't believe I haven't been completely forgotten in the writing community.  I feel like I have taken a break from that part of my life so I could keep up with the demands of teaching high school.

Oh, and I LOVE my job.  Love it. 

Yes, it's tons of work.  Tons of hours.  We are on an accelerated program at my school so we cover a whole year's worth in half the time.  Last week was finals.  This week I had all new classes for second semester.  Crazy. 

We had such an awesome Halloween at school.  We played with dry ice, made some bubbling chemical reactions brew and someone even "exploded" their concoction.  Heaven.  You know you're a science geek when you feel a sense of satisfaction watching teenagers fascinated by the phenomenon of sublimation.

And my little trick-or-treaters were gorgeous.  My kids made me walk around the block for an hour and a half.  So fun.  Funny how even big kids don't want to grow up on Halloween.

Okay, so I'll be checking in tomorrow with my next book review.  Stop in.  It's a good one!