The Boise Kick-Off Clogging competition was fabulous. I love watching all the other teams and seeing the latest greatest ideas. One of my favorite things is sitting next to complete strangers in the audience and hearing their opinions- especially since they have no idea who I am.
And, well, maybe that's a true test of how things went. What other people think.
As for me and my studio, we thought it was a blast. We had 13 team events and 37 individual events. I only kept track of the team scores, and of course, my own sons'.
And the results of our very fun day.... 9 First Places, 2 Second Places & 2 Third Places.
High Gold is given to teams that score 98% or higher. Our teams took four High Golds. And, just for icing on the cake, we enjoyed Overall Studio awards for the Advance and Championship level.
And, not because the world cares, but just because it made me cry, my thirteen year old son took first place in all his individual events for the first time in his life... Freestyle, and three All-Around Solos. That's four first places.
But he wasn't the only one to rock the house. So here's my shameless shout out to all my amazing dancers- You were the best!
And, not to leave out my nine year old son's score... First Place in Freestyle and Second Place in his solo. Do we mention that he missed one of his solos because he ran off the stage and forgot he had one more to go? Nah. He didn't even mind-he said. But then the rest of the day he kept asking if he could go on stage and do it. Go Figure.
Here's my adult team. There's me in blue in the front scrunching down to be shorter than the back row ladies. I'm the one who looks like Shaun White... ha ha ha.
Congratulations to both of your sons on taking 1st! (And you look AWESOME in your pic!)
Hooray for all of you! I know you've put in lots of hard work in sharing your expertise and talents . . not to mention passing it along in the family. All that hard work has paid off! I'm sure having this coincide with the Olympics gives you an extra nice connection. Cute photo!
You are so beautiful! Congratulations on a successful weekend! hooray for you all! :)
Wow - I'm super impressed you all still dance and you look great in those outfits.
All that hard work has paid off! I'm sure having this coincide with the Olympics gives you an extra nice connection. Cute photo!
Work from home India
kanishk- thanks for all your warm thoughts!
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