I found a cool spooky forest with lights bouncing around and had to add it. It reminds me of Alvor. Too bad the neo counter isn't retroactive. The visitor count started yesterday.
Last week held some strangeness. Thought I'd compile a list of all the random things.
*got to see my sister who surprised me that she was in town. She's headed to the Himalayas next (she thinks). And, my brother took us out to lunch besides. First time for everything.
*my sister wandered into a bookstore downtown and accidentally found my book. They were using it as a backdrop for a sculpture she was admiring. She was so amazed by the experience that she took a picture AND took me to the store to see it.
*where randomness #3 happened. My brother bought a "reading" for me. Found out I am unconditionally loving as well as passionate. Oh, and that my books are my "other kids".
*got a super nice rejection letter followed by a super mean one from another publisher.
*went camping. The only mosquito bite I got was on my eyelid. Good thing that mosquito was killed before it could finish the job.
*writers group... and hours of editing after. Can't decide if I should keep working on the story I'm writing or just can it. Still deciding.
*found out that my niece's bridal shower this coming Saturday- Very excited to see everyone!!!!
*still can't believe I get to present at the SCBWI writers conference here in Boise. Very cool. And, as Murphy's Law would have it, it's the same day as our National Guard performance for the Boise Cloggers. Yes, I will be doing both.
*Personal triumph for the day.... my kids' bus stop has officially been moved to my house!!! Yeah!!! They're never going to miss the bus again. It has been down the street where my son has been seen racing the bus to the stop, and sometimes losing. When he loses the race, even though the bus drives right past him running, he still misses the bus. I'm truly pumped about this new development, and school doesn't even start for another month.
That's it for today. Hoping this week's randomness has lots of happiness sprinkled in.
More Or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova
19 hours ago
Random posts are what I am all about!!! I am glad you enjoyed the lunch outting...wonder when we'll see them again...I have a gut feeling it won't be for a long...really long time. In other news...I love my watch...LOVE IT...and I love that I think of you everytime I wear it...which is ALL THE TIME...hehehe!!! Love you!
I tried to call you last week, but your phone wasn't working. Is Jason going too?
Glad you are enjoying the watch. I need to make you a new band! Hmmm, what color....
I love thinking of you, your family, and I'm trying to picture you with your sibs out together. Glad to hear that happened! Any photos? BTY: I vote that you keep writing the novel you've got going. I'm sure I want to read it. Such a great post . . . my comment is already too long, but I'm sending you a virtual "thumbs up" (with my right thumb stuck in that position and held there by my latest cast to repair the break/surgery.) Whew! I'll stop!
I hope your arm heals fast! Thanks for sending so many positive thoughts. I really do appreciate it.
more randomness: just one more day of regular classes!!!
It will be fun to see you this weekend too--but it is just a bridal shower; there will be an invitation to an open house (Aug.21) and a reception (Sept.3) coming in the next couple of weeks!!!
Loved this.
Our bus stop is at the end of our driveway and we still miss it sometimes. oops. Sometimes if we miss the bus we call it a day. oops some more. Also, a child was killed after running for a bus, tripping and falling and the bus hitting them... bad news. Tell Carsten not to run anymore! Stay home instead.
Do you think my casual attitude towards school attendance and tardiness will survive middle school? ugh.
It used to be Carsten running for the bus, then it went to the next one down... Jaden.
I wonder if that's why Carsten got into track when he was still in elementary school. All that practice running for the bus.
Mitzi- if you're reading this... thanks for clearing me up about this Saturday. Really. Now I know I'm not supposed to bring the whole family. Can't wait to see you!!!
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