It's May.... finally. I've been waiting all year. May 9 is the first anniversary of my book's release. To celebrate, we're doing a giveaway. After careful research, I've concluded that my prize will be.....
a $20 electronic Barnes & Noble gift card.
Oh, but that's only prize #1.
Prize #2- a signed copy of Alvor.
And, that means we're going to have two winners. How do you enter?
You get to choose. Two prizes means two ways. And two entries if you decide to do them both. The drawing will choose two winners regardless of which way you choose to enter.
You can tell me one of your favorite parts of my book or my blog posts (Any post at all from this blog. You can look through the history if you need and find something that tickles your fancy).
I know, I'm making you work for it, but it will be fun.... for me.
Anyway, other than that, you have to be a follower of this blog and put your e-mail address in your comment.
Mother's Day is this Sunday and I'm sharing the holiday with my husband's birthday. He was born on Mother's Day and though he claims a mother could ask for no greater gift on Mother's Day, I'm thinking his mom wouldn't have minded if he was a week early. It's one of those days when who makes dinner- the mom or the birthday guy? Who does the dishes? Who changes all the diapers for the day?
We usually end up sharing the load. Which is okay.
The contest winners will be announced May 12, 2010 at noon MST. I'll be using to draw the winners.
Good luck to you all, and take care.
More Or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova
19 hours ago
I like your Some of My Favorite Things Bookshelf and I love that you have The Host on it. After about 4 chapters I really got into that book and found it hard to put down!
Are we supposed to enter a certain way for a certain prize? I figured the favorite blog post was the gift card...sooo...
Can you make me Laugh?
It just made me giggle, which I suppose is the point. :)follow your blog
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
Okay, this is my entry to win a copy of your book. So, since I would like to win your book, that means that I have not yet read your book. :o) So for now, my favorite part of your book has to be the cover. :o)
I love the cover photo. It really intrigues me. The dark forest clearing at night. But with the bright title, and the twinkling lights around it. And I love the moth/butterfly down in the corner. Very facinating, and beautiful to look at, and mysterious! Please enter me to win a copy! I am a follower.
ludeluh at yahoo dot com
Great giveaway!
I'm follow!
My favorite post was one I just commented on -Random Acts of Kindness altho it is recent. I believe it is often the small things that keep us going. The person who wrote you had no idea just taking a small part out of their day would benefit you in your quest. I am all about kindness!
I am a follower-get your emails.
Please enter me for both! I have not been lucky enough to read Alvor yet but it has been on my wish list for eons! My fav thing about your blog is when you share personal things like milk shooting from your son's nose and pics of you in snow. I love it when I discover the real person behind the book, makes it that much more special.
I am a follower!
Thanks for doing this and the invite. Taking a look around I really like your blog, your posts are cute and touching. I really liked the one about your friend finding the book at Wal-Mart and your appliances breaking down...and the spider story. You've got more guts than me...big spider = run for the hills. LOL
please enter me into your contest. parajunkee at gmail dot com
As an aspiring writer myself I like reading other author's blogs. I enjoyed your words on attending the LDStorymakers conference and all of your words on writing:)
I'm a follower.
I would say flip a coin for who does the cooking and dishes.
Hello! I like when the two characters have to decide whether or not to go back from the fantasy life or their old life.....
Many thanks, Cindi
This is going to sound boring but I like the fact you have a white background behind the text. Is nice and clean and ensures easy reading. Find so many lovely blogs have darker backgrounds it just makes things harder to read.
I work by the rule that the person who does the cooking doesn't need to wash. But then my man does the dish washing and I end up redoing it as streaks on all the glass's so ends up easier if I do both sigh.
email is emmadatxtradotcodotnz
I love your blog and my favorite parts are shelfari and the amazing background. I am a follower.
sounds like a wonderful thing to celebrate.
MY favorite post that you have ever done was 'Synopsis Writing' on Tuesday 23, 2010. It had both humor and information and I found it to really helpful and worthwhile. Wonderful contest and I am a follower!!!!!!
Emma Michaels
I liked your Randomness post:
My favorite post is the can you make me laugh post.
Please count me in.
+1 Follower
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I like the Synopsis Writing post. I never understood how someone could write a synopsis well until I read that post.
I am a follower
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I love all your writing posts. It's pushing me towards writing again. And gotta love Calvin and Hobbs to illustrate ;-D.
dragonzgoil at gmail dot com
hello there,
This is a great giveaway!! I love to read books..
And I wish to have this book of yours. Let me win this please :P
I love THE RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS, i know when you read this your heart smile, a great appreciation will really motivate you for doing well more :)
good luck to all
I followed you
silverlilacc at hotmail dot com
Please enter me! I subscribe!
dancealert at aol dot com
I'm a follower. Please enter me :)
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
I loved the coverage of the LDSstorymakers conference. It made me want to take a greater role in it next year.
My email address is Congrads on one year!
I loved your Random Act of Kindness post! I'd love to win either one of the prizes, but it'd be great if I can win Alvor since I'm so interested in reading it! Thanks!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I love your antecdote posts. : ) The "Can you Make Me Laugh" post was lovely... I'm horrible at making others laugh because I usually find the most odd/random things funny, & I have to explain why it's funny, which takes out all the funny.
I also enjoyed your "Random Acts of Kindness" post. Talk about encouragement! Wow. (And I secretly hope someday I can be the one receiving that email...)
I'm a new follower! Thanks for the contest so I could find your fun & wonderful blog. : D
ambience.of.rain {at}
I really enjoyed reading "A Writing Net" from April 12. I, of course, am an aspiring author and definitely agree that the people that take time out of their lives to proofread is a blessing. I admit that I might have too many opinions and therefore must always listen to my thoughts first, but I agree that they are "like gold." Thanks for sharing and thanks for this AWESOME contest!
Happy Summer! :)
Marie (
Great giveaway! I'd love to enter.
I like your posts best because they are succint and to the point.
Laura-I would love to win a copy of your book! I have wanted to read it after meeting you at the conference. Thank you so much for your helpful critiques and advice!
I love the blog entry you wrote about a new story blossoming like a tender plant. Thanks!
Would love to enter :) I'm a follower
rubs.escalona [at]
My favorite post was in March, A Garden of Writing.
am a follower
Fantastic Giveaway! Lovely Blog too!!!!!! Please enter me in your cntest too ;P callmeghostgirl(at)yahoo(dot)com(dot)au
I really like your website set up; it's not so in your face that it gets hard to follow and read. I also like the choices of books on your bookshelf.
Thanks a bunch!
chichai_hana at hotmail dot com
I haven't read your book yet but something i like about it is the cover, very intriguing :D.
blog follower
I like *'Twas the Night Before Christmas'*! Very cute! :D
h4schaffer at gmail dot com
Hey, please enter me.
My favourite post was the Can you make me laugh? one, cute! :-)
I'm a follower!
stella.exlibris AT gmail DOT com
I like your post about synopsis writing:
I'm a follower
spamscape [at] gmail [dot] com
I like the random act of kindness. Sometimes we all doubt the worth of what we do. It's nice to know that someone out there appreciated your work for the awesomeness it is.
I picked your Merry Christmas blog because I love Christmas too. I love buying gifts for everyone. And watching kids open all their presents and it's just a jolly time of year.
I'm a follower now. :)
I like your winter fun blog, Cute snow animals and stuff cool.
I'm a follower
I haven't read your book. I'm hoping to win this for my grand daughter. But I love the cover! It's both beautiful and a little scary too.
I'm a follower
Can you make me laugh....and random acts of kindness! Great stuff!
I loved your can you make me laugh blog post.
I'm a gfc follower.
My favorite post is the one entitled "A Garden of Writing". I thought it was a great analogy of gardening & writing a book.
GFC follower
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
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