Monday, September 20, 2010

Which Road are You On?

Life is a highway. Or a street somewhere in the middle of nowhere. Or something else altogether.

The question is, which road are you on? Is your life barely hanging on to the cliff or is it going around in one continuous never-ending cycle?
Or does it feel like you are headed straight into the unknown with no way of being sure that the end will be what you hoped?
Or are you in middle of the constant stream of ups and downs?

Maybe the point really is that you're still on the road. That you haven't turned into a rest stop and refuse to leave.

Here's my little motivational thought for the day. Keep driving. The road's gonna change. It never stays the same forever and it's worth the ride. One of these days you're going to look out your window and realize how beautiful everything really is.


Nancye said...

Thank you for this post. I shared it with my husband. It was just what we needed to hear right now as we travel down scary and unknown roads in our life. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What an excellent post, Laura! Thank you for reminding me to be grateful for the road--no matter how many twists and turns.

Laura said...

My grandma sent me these pictures, and it made me stop and think. Thanks for stopping with me.

Melissa said...

Terrific post. (Couldn't help breaking into the theme song from Cars. It is Henry's favorite.) I love all these pictures and can think of times when I've been on each of these paths.