My grandma e-mailed me yesterday. She read my reviews for the first time on Amazon and was shocked that there weren't any negative reviews. (I know, it's been almost a year now, but we're talking about my grandma.)
Not that I want anyone to race over there and break my winning streak, but it did remind me of how selfless people have been in helping me out along the way. Many, if not the majority of my reviews througout the internet have been written by complete strangers. People who have never met me and yet felt the need to say something nice.
Others have been from people I knew. All have been so generous.
So, here's my thanks again. Älvor was published with a small press with limited distribution power. In other words, even though it may have been sold in a store near you, I can almost guarantee it's not there anymore. If you want a copy, go online.
But there's always hope that something will happen and the series will find life again. I'll be sure to give you the heads up when that happens.
My grandma told me that a lot of people are anxiously awaiting Book 2 (uhm, did she mean her or....) and that I should get it published. Maybe my grandma's worried that if I don't get it done soon she's not going to be around to read it. You know, ten years is a long time when you're already in your 80's.
So, hopefully I won't disappoint. Hopefully in the next few months I'll have a great story to tell you of how I made it through the journey of publishing. Until then, keep your fingers crossed with me and I'll keep praying for things to work out. And when it finally does, I promise to tell you everything.
The Writing Retreat by Julia Bartz
4 hours ago
I've got all fingers and toes crossed. And my heart too, Laura. And my heart.
Ooh... It will! It has to! Everything happens for a reason--so hang in there! And good luck!
Thanks for all your warm thoughts! It's just a matter of a lifetime now....
Loving thoughts of you and your sweet grandma. She is very wise and you are SO like her in SO many ways!
Well, I for one don't want to wait ten years to read the second!! I really did enjoy Alvor....I know I haven't blogged about it yet, but that isn't for lack of love for the book...its just cause I have a tendancy to be a self absorbed blogger...!!! On a side note...Grandma cracks me up...I love the way she thinks, and the things she could only come from her!! ya sis...
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