'Twas the day before December
And all through the house
I've been reconciling November
And I've had my doubts.
may have fallen a little short
Instead of writing the whole ending
I left the ball in their court
The characters took on
A life of their own
Changing my well planned plot
and deepening the tone.
But I'm not disappointed
in how everything went.
It just means I have to
Creatively end.
November had even more
surprises in store.
One of the best was more family
closer to my door.
The snow didn't wait
to make it's grand entrance this year
And thanks to a friend's furnace skills
It's warm again in here.
Now dentist, now doctors, on optomotrist, on visits,
on appointments and papers and forms and more visits.
December is coming in a whip of cold air
And if we're lucky, Merry Christmas soon will be here.
More Or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova
13 hours ago