Congratulations Lena!
Thanks to, Lena is the lucky winner of the double book giveaway.
Oh, but stay tuned. We are jumping right into another giveaway VERY SOON. This time, be looking for some CSN money.
Details to come.
In other random news.... *this is where you read about my real life stuff*
*I officially think it's ridiculous to have a chest cold and then contract the stomach flu. Apparently my body didn't think I'd had enough or something. Thought I was through being sick.... ha ha ha...
*I had the NICEST e-mail today from a high school senior from Negros Occidental (the island she lives on) Here's a few words from her...
We have a lot of butterfly gardens and farms. They're kind of our specialty, and now whenever I see them around, I think, "Alvor!" So thank you for giving me the pleasure of reading your book.
I would so love to see those butterfly gardens and farms. Can you imagine? That would be amazing.
*NaNoWriMo- or my alternate approach to it, is going GREAT. Side benefit of being sick is having lots of time to write. I really am going to get this book finished this month.
*And thanks for sharing your thoughts on spicing up November. I loved reading them. All your comments make my day brighter.
See you soon for another giveaway.
More Or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova
18 hours ago
So...what was the book other than Alvor that you gave away? I'm always looking for a good, clean book to read!
YAAAY! Thank you so much! :D
That's a great question, and I meant to say.
My Double Life by Janette Rallison
I hate to hear that you've been feeling sick. =[ I hope you feel better soon. *hugs*
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