Congratulations to Nebraska Filleman, the winner of the $50 gift card to CSN. Thanks to all of you who stopped by.
So, it's Black Friday. My husband came home with a bag full of socks at 8:00 this freezing cold morning. He told me it wasn't that exciting. His report included inconsiderate shoppers and sleeping men on benches. Hmmm.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch.... we had a Thanksgiving surprise yesterday morning around 7 AM. The furnace went out. We have tried to heat our house with the woodstove, but so far, there is still much to be desired. In other words, the office where I'm typing this is probably 45 degrees. I'm thinking of finding some gloves.
Hope you all had a good Thanksgiving and are having a great weekend.
More Or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova
19 hours ago
Oh, no! I hope your furnace gets fixed soon! =[ Good thing your hubby picked up some extra socks!
Ahh that's awful! I hope it gets warmer :) Is it always that cold during winter?
Meanwhile, it hasn't gotten any colder back here in the Philippines. Even though it's nearly December, it's still as hot as summer!
Hopefully it gets colder over here and warmer over there! :)
I am so very grateful to have friends. One such happened to come by and graciously install a new motor in our furnace- and we only had to pay for the motor. What a blessing.
And friends like you- thanks for caring, and taking the time to share your hearts with me. You make my world a brighter place.
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