You may not be thinking about Christmas yet, but I'm thinking about you. To help you find the perfect gift, sling backpacks, stuff for the kitchen, backyard, living room, closet, office, toys for the kids, baby gear or literally thousands of other ideas, CSN has you covered.
And they want to give away $50 to use in their online store.
There really isn't anyone who couldn't benefit from the selection available. Truly. I've been lost in their web pages for hours at a time.
Here's the gig. The contest starts today and ends on Black Friday-- November 26, an unofficial American holiday where people flock to the stores to buy gifts for Christmas.
This is where I confess that I am not a Black Friday shopper by nature. I generally avoid crowded stores when possible. I hate waiting in long lines. I don't get up at 5 AM to be there on time, standing in the freezing cold, waiting for the amazing doorbuster sale.
My husband, on the other hand, is the king of Black Friday sock sales. Not kidding. He's been known to sneak out of the house early in the morning and come back with treasures.
So, back to the exciting part where you win $50. All you have to do is tell me something you like to do the weekend AFTER Thanksgiving. It could be Black Friday, or the days to follow.
And, since the gift card is electronic and send via e-mail, please leave your e-mail address in your comment.
Finally, be A VERY COOL PERSON. It's easy. You just follow this blog.
Have a good one. I'm looking forward to reading what you have to say.
More Or Less Maddy by Lisa Genova
18 hours ago
I would love to be entered!
I follow - Libby's Library.
We go to our Family Reunion on the Saturday after Thanksgiving. No crazy sale shopping for me, as I always try to be finished before Thanksgiving.
Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
The weekend after thanksgiving, I try to purchase any last minute gifts so my christmas shopping is DONE.
PS. Jealous that your husband shops black friday. Mine would rather shoot himself in the foot.
jennyjoz24 (at) (I follow too)
I do Black Friday, my husband and I call it our Holiday lol. It is the only day of the year that we completly spend alone. We get up at 2 am and go to the stores and start waiting in line. We usually have about 2-3 coffees by the time we are ready to get shopping. We then randomly throw the great deals in our carts and then at the end take anything out that wasn't that great of an idea. That night we always go Window Shopping in our local town and then pick up the kids and go visit Santa and get pictures taken. Then come home, have hot chocolate with marshmellows and then we are all so exhausted we meet the pillow.
Enter me too!
I follow your blog on Google Reader.
I am thinking of trying out the Black Friday shopping this year. I am intimidated by it all, but I like to save money. Otherwise, I plan on eating yummy leftovers!
Have a great Holiday!
I plan on going black friday shopping. My sister mom and in laws all get up early and head to the stores for the great door opening events When we are done we all go to breakfast then pick up the kids and go to a movie. We have done this for about 10 years and love the time spent and money saved
The weekend after Thanksgiving, my husband and I are going on a Caribbean cruise. He's starting a new job a few days after we get back. We've never been to the Caribbean or on a cruise, and it seemed like the perfect time to try it. A holiday with little planning or organizing needed from us sounded particularly good. We leave from Brooklyn on Saturday and return 11 days later. Am excited!
I'll be packing and running errands and online shopping on Friday.
Thanks so much for the giveaway.
gaby317nyc at
I like to put up my tee the weekend after thanksgiving, Really i want to put it up now but hubby will not let it until after thanksgiving. :)
I am a gfc follower
I follow (Lona728)
I LOVE to shop on Black Friday! Then on the weekend we decorate for Christmas and eat leftovers : )
Lona728@ yahoo dot com
I go to the movies the day after Thanks giving and usually on the saturday after it too. I dont participate in black friday. Dont like the crowds. Im a follower
The weekend after Thanksgiving is all about the Christmas tree and getting into the spirit of Christmas. Thanks so much for the awesome giveaway! You rock!
I follow you.
Last year was my first Black Friday and I Had SO much FUN! We went to Toys R Us at Midnight and stood in line for about 2 1/2 hours. (I went with friends which I totally suggest-much more fun) The cops were called, and lines were being threatened, people were screaming, it was a blast.. haahaa
mjcommets at embarqmail dot com
The weekend after Thanksgiving is when we do our Christmas decorating! The tree gets brought out, the lights get strung up. My children love to help!!
thanks for the giveaway!
brandyj1121 @ hotmail dot com
This would be great!!! I follow you and subscribe to you!
I never used to Black Friday shop...but now it is a way to get away...just me...while the 4 kids stay home with daddy!
While most of my shopping is done, how could I turn away a chance for free stuff.
i love to decorate the house for x-mas - the day after thanksgiving
tcogbill at live dot com
Great giveaway.
We typically don't do Black Friday because it's so crowded and it's not like we have extra spending money anyway. Last year we had a second Thanksgiving dinner with another set of friends, not sure what we're doing this year though. We're still getting settled into our new lives so no firm traditions are set for Thanksgiving yet.
I follow, too.
We put up our tree, watch movies, and start Christmas eating. It's a month-long event.
Thanks for the chance!
I usually do some Black Friday shopping with my sister. But we are not the 3am people, we do go later. You can still get some pretty good deals then. Then I spend the rest of the weekend relaxing. I try to really use it as a holiday weekend and not do the normal stuff I do on weekends.
I am a follower.
Thanks for the chance!
bacchus76 at myself dot com
I hate black friday shopping. It's worth the extra bucks to me to avoid the craziness and bustle. Some people feel pretty differently and I'm okay with that. But then again, I don't care for shopping most of the time, anyway. ;)
I'm a GFC follower. For the weekend after Thanksgiving, I'll make things with leftovers!
My husband loves Black Friday, I've gone before but I'm not into the crowds so I'm glad he can do all the work. lol
I'm a gfc follower, I'd love to be entered.
I don't do the black friday shopping, I find I blow money on stuff I really don't need. so I avoid it.
Thanks for the contest, count me in!
The week after Thanksgiving is when I start getting ready for Christmas. Cleaning house, making lists, shopping, wrapping, decorating.
We clean the house and then put up a tree. I only go black friday shopping if I have relatives from out of town that want to go. I'll go for them, but not for me:)
thanks for the contest. Fun stuff!
The weekend after Thanksgiving we put up all our Christmas decorations :)
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I thought I had followed since I am an email subscriber- but following now :)
Have'nt done Black Friday in years. Hubby is a carpenter which means our income happens more in the summer- so I buy a little bit throughout the year. Usually we kick back watch TV and get things done we need to to get ready for winter!
I am a follower
I am not much into black Friday shopping.I find that most of those items are not marked down enough to really bother.I do go and look but usually come out with just one small item or two.
I love the Holidays,I make them last as long as possible
Great giveaway!
The day after Thanksgiving, my family puts up our Christmas tree and decorates the house!
Well this year I will be working Black Friday but most of the time, I love to just hang with the family, I am not a big black friday fan, not much on fighting the crowds.
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
@Buttons and Bows
I'm definitely shopping during Black Friday and starting my Christmas shopping/hunting. I also start up knitting/crocheting a lot for the holiday season--it's crunch time!
Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
chichai_hana at hotmail dot com
we are going on a train ride on historic train near our city =) it's like the polar express i think!
hancoci_s at msn dot com
After Thanksgiving, I love going black Friday shopping, but this year, I'm just going to relax at home and watch Christmas shows on Hallmark Channel and have a fun holiday at home!
I'm a follower and the weekend after Thanksgiving and every weekend thereafter until the new year is filled up with birthday and/or Christmas parties.
melacan at hotmail dot com
This is the first year in almost 23 yr I do not have to work on Thanksgiving or the weekend after, I really don't know what to do. Think I will clean house, or not. But with over 20 people around I will find something to do.
I Don't like Black Friday either, I've worked retail alot in my life.
That Is the Worst Day to work Retail! I'll be working that day, but only half of the day.
I Avoid shopping that day the most.
I'd Love to win a gift card.
I already am a follower.
The weekend after Thanksgiving, we always put up our Christmas tree. I like to buy discounted Christmas ornaments and save them, so each year, I can add a little something new to the tree, or change the theme entirely. My tree is fake, so I can use it again year after year, and my kids enjoy helping me figure out which branches go in which holes, because I can never remember. We listen to Christmas music, and it's a fun family activity.
I would love to be entered. I'm a new follower.
The weekend after Thanksgiving is spent decorating for Christmas. My hubby won't let me put up the decorations until the day after! :)
bluerosesheart at yahoo dot com
Okay. So I LOVE to decorate everything for Christmas. My mom doesn't believe in getting ready for it until AFTER Thanksgiving. She doesn't even let us listen to Christmas music! So I love to put the tree up and decorate it. Which is so cool because I'm the tallest girl so I get to put the top on the tree every year. It's a tradition that I love...And I like to stay up and watch the Hallmark movies.
That's what I like to do. Exciting, right? Well it is for me anyway.
I am a follower. The weekend after Thanksgiving I would *like* to start eating less! least until Christmas! :--)
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Happy Thanksgiving! This $50 gift card to the CSN Store would sure
come in handy! They have so many items to choose from. I follow your
blog via Google Friend Connect.
The weekend after Thanksgiving is when I start making my Christmas
gift list for family and friends.
Sometimes, my husband shops for electronics on Black Friday...
Many thanks!
The weekend after Thanksgiving, I like to spend with my husband. It's a four day weekend for him and we like to go to the show and go out to eat. This is GREAT!!! for me, because I spend two days cooking for the family. REST!!! REST!!! before I start cooking all my Christmas Goodies.
THANKS!!! for the Giveaway!!!
I am a follower! I would love to win a CSN gift code!
I always have to work the day after Thanksgiving (boo hoo!) But I always like to put the Christmas tree up and get it decorated the weekend after Thanksgiving
I don't do Black Friday shopping. I usually have to work the next day anyway. I have tried it and hated the crowds and long lines. Last year I did some Cyber Monday shopping and got some great deals as well. So I'll relax this Black Friday, eat some left overs, and do my bargain shopping online on Monday.
We go up to Whistler BC for Thanksgiving, we are there right now. So the weekend after Thanksgiving we are skiing up on the mountain.
We usually go to the movies and sometimes brave the shopping crowds! Thanks for the giveaway! I'm also a follower!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
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